This menu item contains the default settings for the calculation.

  • Equivalent length table

The handling of the Equivalent Length Table is described in detail in the chapter Equivalent length table.

Here you have the possibility to execute the calculation with another table in the calculation program or to edit it.

  • Change company name

Here you can directly enter the company name, which should appear in the header of the calculation results.

You can also create company lists by New and manage several company entries. 

An existing company list can also be created by Copy.

  • Edit pump curve

The handling of pump curves is described in detail in the chapter Characteristic pump curves.

Here you have the possibility to execute the calculation with another pump or to edit it in the calculation program.

The calculation then takes place only in the calculation program itself, until the correct pump is found. See also chapter Current pump.

Here you also have the possibility to find a suitable pump for your project.

In contrast to the procedure described in the chapter Characteristic pump curves, you will find a pre-selected list of all pumps in "Searching fit pump curve", that can be used for this project with the indication of the pressure difference between pump and result of operation area. 

This makes it easier for you to find the right pump.

Related themes:  Characteristic pump curves

  • Configuration - Directories

Informations look at chapter Paths.

  • Configuration - Export configuration

Export your configuration in your project for other projects.

Select a storage location and a file name (file extension *.cfx)

This function refers to the export of the parameter file, the used equivalent length table, the pump characteristics file and the form files.

  • Configuration - Import configuration 

Import the generated configuration file *.cfx (see above). You will get the parameter file, the used equivalent length table, the pump curve file and the form files from another project with one click.

  • Settings

Informations look at chapter Default settings.

  • Scale printer

Informations look at chapter Scale printer.

  • Page setup

Informations look at chapter Choice output pages.