The user has the possibility to influence the following program settings:

  • Suppress pipes with Q_pipe< accuracy (the value 0.1 is recommended)
  • Suppress short pipes (only important for SpriCAD Revit, do not mark it)
  • Change the tolerance when comparing the height coordinates, f.ex. reduce the tolerance (the value 0.02 is recommended).
  • Hide the lines in the calculation data log for which the value Qbranch is smaller than the specified accuracy limit.
  • Decimal places can be set for the K-factor.
  • Print out flow rate positively. Sometimes there is a minus before. Does not change calculation result! Only for report.
  • You can also set whether values equal to zero are to be output as spaces. This increases the clarity of the printout.
  • Print supply pipes first.

Set the font for the input grid, f.ex. for the pump characteristic curve or the equivalent length table.