This menu item contains the default settings for the view.

Function: Switch the toolbar/status bar on or off.

Click on the check mark and the toolbar/status bar is switched on or off.

  • Symbol line

The toolbar contains the functions from the roll-up menus and a few additional functions.

- look Print

- look BMP

  • Zoom

 Function: Zoom on/ off

Click the button once. Icon appears as follows: :

Now the zoom is activated and you can define a zoom window with the cross that appears. This area is now zoomed in.

This is possible for several times. 

In combination with this function the button restore is necessary. It ensures that the old zoom section, e.g. the selected view, is restored.

After you have finished setting the desired zoom, click on the magnifying glass again to end the command.

  • Full screen 


The form is displayed so that it is completely visible in the project window.

  • Original size 


This will display the form of the project in its original size (paper size) on the screen


  • Redraw


It can happen by using the scroll bar at the right or bottom of the screen that the graphic is not drawn exactly during the zoom function. 

To redraw the selected graphic section in the current zoom mode, you can use this menu item.

  • Change language


After calling up the function, the following window appears:

Select your language and click OK.

Finish the calculation.

The next time the calculation is performed, the language change has taken place.

  • Change pages

Depending on whether the user is on the first page, the last page or in between the following buttons will be visible or not.

First page: Key combination "STRG + Pos 1"

Previous page: Key combination "STRG + picture to top"

Select a specific page according to the default of Choice output pages

A dialog box appears. Select the page you want to view directly.

Next page: Key combination "STRG + picture down"

Last page: Key combination "STRG + end"

  • Find nodes

Function: Search for node numbers in the calculation document. 

Click on the symbol. The following dialog appears:

The node numbers are colored light blue. If the number 7 appears several times in the document, these arrows in the toolbar are colored blue and there are activated:

Pressing the arrows automatically scrolls through the document and searches again for node number 7, e.g. in case of a T-piece there would be 3 of them.

Depending on where the user is located, the buttons become visible.

  • New calculation


Function: New calculation of the hydraulic calculation within the calculation program.  

Calling up this menu item is always useful if changes have been made to the input data, e.g. another pump, and the user wants to examine the result.

  • About Spricalc

Function: Information about the program version and direct access to the system control by system.

  • Direct help

Function: If this menu item is selected, the cursor changes. 

A question mark with an arrow appears. 

If you click with this cursor on a button of the toolbar or on a part of a form, a special help text is displayed,

if a help text is available for the selected object.

  • Status bar

The status bar is located at the bottom of the respective window. 

The status bar of the program window provides information about the setting of the numeric keypad of the keyboard. 

At the left edge of the status bar help texts appear, which e.g. explain a menu item in more detail.

Only works when the window is not maximized.