• NoEquMessage

Description: with T, the same successive error messages are suppressed

Werte: T (= yes),  F (= no)

Remark: Value must not be changed

  • FatalErrorWarn

Description: Issue warning in case of fatal errors

Werte: T (= yes),  F (= no)

Remark: Value must not be changed

  • DelAcadLevel

Description: Setting for the use of ACAD names for deletion

0=conventional (by type and name)

1=ACAD names with verification and file protocol (DelAcad.IDA)

2=ACAD names with verification and warning

3=ACAD names without verification

Werte: 0 - 3

Remark: Value must not be changed

  • WriteDB

Description: Write data to database ?

Werte: T (= yes),  F (= no)

Remark: Value must not be changed

  • LaengenEinheit

Description: In which unit are lengths entered?



Actually 1 set

  • NameUebDatei

Description: Name of transfer file

 Remark: Value must not be changed

  • PositionTStuecke

Description: How to create the tees in a node ?

(Description look chapter tees)

Data: 1, 2

  • TStueckSprink

Description: Do you wish tees at sprinklers?

Data: 0 - no tees