The parameter file "SPRINK.CFG" offers the possibility to control the variants of the tees.

The parameter file is read each time Revit is opened.

Changes made to the parameter file after opening Revit must be re-entered before they take effect.

To do this, close the program and reopen it.

The file contains the following types of entries:

  • Lines beginning with a semicolon, i.e. ";", contain only comments, i.e. explanations of the following lines;
  • lines beginning with a square bracket, i.e. with "[", contain block identifiers and may not be changed;
  • all other lines begin with a name (the identifier of the corresponding parameter that may not be changed) followed by an equal sign; this is followed by the value of the corresponding parameter, i.e. the value that may be changed.

Boolean values (Yes=T or No=F), integers, rational numbers or texts can occur as parameters. 

The following sections describe the parameters of the individual blocks of the parameter file.