

Function: Add sprinklers to the design area and/or remove them from the design area.

After calling up the command, the following input options appear in the properties palette:

Each selected sprinkler is assigned to the design area with the specified number.

During the command sequence, the data can be changed at any time.(*)

By default, newly entered sprinklers are not in the design area, i.e. without calling this function, all sprinklers are not in the design area. 

The following prompt in command line appears

to select elements (see chapter Selection/ modify of components)

The sprinklers which are activated in the design area get marked with a different colour. 

If these sprinklers should be removed from the design area, they are getting marked with the function again and will be remove.

The colour changes again.

The sprinkler's affiliation to a specific design area can also be controlled by the properties window. 

See also chapter Sprinkler.

If there are 2 alarm valve stations with 2 nets to be calculated in the file, it is now possible to calculate them in one file, even if the effective areas to be calculated are given different numbers.


The sprinklers marked in red are now deposited in design area 1 and they're activated.

See chapter edit/ modify properties/ Sprinkler.

In project data the calculation of design area 1 is chosen.

Start the calculation. design area 1 is calculated.

The display non-supplied areas shows what is calculated:

To calculate the second design area, deactivate the sprinklers from effective area 1 and enter design area 2 in the project data.

Then activate the relevant sprinklers in design area 2 of the other alarm valve station.

Now the sprinklers of the design area 2 are shown in red.

Start the calculation. design area 1 is calculated.

The display non-supplied areas shows what is calculated:

The individual calculation sheets should be saved in advance.

If no object is selected in the AutoCAD/BricsCAD editor:

Change the number of the active design area by entering the number of design area in the properties palette.