Points are entered either in the form of an absolute point or a relative point, consisting of an absolute point and a displacement in x, y and z direction.

Absolute points can be entered by:

  • Entering absolute coordinates using the keyboard (i.e. a triplet of numbers separated by a comma, e.g. 1,2,0),
  • "Snap" a point using the CAD object snap.
  • Make sure that the dynamic input is set to "Absolute Coordinates" format (system variable DYNPICOORDS=1).

A relative point is suggested, for example, when creating a range pipe. 

Select the start or end point of a pipe/range pipe and set a relative point relative to it by entering the x, y and z values.

  • Attention: please make sure that the dynamic input is set to "Relative Coordinates" format (system variable DYNPICOORDS=0)