

The menu item is used to enter one or more pipes, whereby a pipe can consist of several sub-elements.

After the command call, the following input options appear in the properties palette:

Each pipe receives the properties specified here. 

During the command sequence, the data can be changed at any time.(*)

The start and end points of the pipe are entered as a line according to input of pipes as line. 

The starting point of the connecting pipe is the end point of the previous sub-element, i.e. it does not have to be entered again. 

A "thread" appears from this starting point to the current mouse position. 

This thread is carried along with movements of the mouse.

After finishing the input of a pipe (if necessary consisting of several subelements), all pipes and branch pipes, on which start or end points of the new pipe lie, are disassembled at these positions and provided with new subnumbers. 

The new pipe, if start or end points of other pipes or branch pipes lie on the pipe, will also be disassembled and re-labeled.


If the value of the CAD system variable COMMANDPROPERTIES is 0, nothing is displayed in the properties palette, instead the properties dialog of the pipe (properties dialog of a pipe) is displayed at the end of the command.