This block contains default values for generating the valve legend.

  • ArmLegendeErzeugen

Description: Should the valve legend be generated?

Values: T (= yes),  F (= no)

  • SpaltenBreite

Description: Contains the widths of the columns of the valve legend, i.e. the widths of the symbol, quantity and symbol description columns.

Values: 3 numbers > 0, separated by spaces

  • ZeilenHöhe

Description: Row height of the valve legend

Values: Number > 0

  • TextHöhe

Description: text height of the valve legend

Values: Number > 0

  • SkalFakt

Description: Scale factor of the text of valve legend

Values: Number > 0

  • AbstandZuSprLegende

Description: Distance between fitting legend and sprinkler legend

Values: Number > 0

  • FarbeTabelle

Description: Colour of table rows and columns

Values: Integer 0

  • FarbeRahmen

Description: Table frame colour

Values: Integer 0