In the symbol file "SYMBOL.CFG" the symbols for fittings, sprinklers (in top view), vertical pipes (in top view), pump and supply point are defined. 

The symbol file consists of any number of symbol definitions, with each symbol consisting of the following parts:

  1. symbol number,
  2. name of the symbol,
  3. any number of elements that define the geometry of the symbol.

A symbol can be structured as follows (lines beginning with a semicolon are comment lines)

[SYMBOL8] - Symbol number → 8

; ---------------- Wet alarm valve ----------------  - Comment

Name=wet alarm valve - Symbol name

Elem1=B,222,0,0.0/0.0,0.2,0.0,0.0 1. - symbol element → arc

Elem2=B,222,222,0,0.0/0.0,0.07,0.0,0.0 2.  - symbol element → arc

Elem3=P,222,0,0,2,-0.2/0.0,-0.33/0.0 3.  - symbol element → polygon

Elem4=P,222,0,0,2,-0.33/-0.14,-0.33/0.14 4.  - symbol element → polygon

The symbols in the symbol file must be numbered consecutively, starting with 1. 

New symbols should be appended at the end and the symbol number should be incremented accordingly. 

If a new symbol is defined, the symbol number must be entered in the parameter file, e.g. a new valve symbol must be added to the list of symbol numbers in the [VALVE] block so that it appears in the valve dialog when a valve is entered. 

The symbol names are currently only required for valves (to select a valve in the valve dialog box).

The symbol geometry is defined in the top view by specifying any number of elements.

The point (0,0) corresponds to the insertion point of the symbol in the drawing. 

The y-axis corresponds to the direction of the pipe in the drawing. 

The individual data of a symbol element are separated by commas. 

For point data, x and y components are separated by a division sign. 

Each symbol element always contains four data at the beginning:

Element type → 

B = arc

P = polygon course

T = text

Colour → 

Colour of the element (according to the AutoCAD colour palette)

FillColour →

0 = Do not fill element

>0 = colour to fill the element 

(only circles and closed polygons)

(Colour according to the AutoCAD/ BricsCAD colour palette)

Line type → 

0 = Solid

1 = dot

2 = dashdot

3 = point

Arcs contain the following data after the four general indications:

  • centre point
  • Radius
  • Starting angle (in degrees)
  • End angle (in degrees)

(a full circle is created by starting angle=end angle).

Polygon contain the following data: 

  • number of points of the polygon (>1)
  • 1st point of the polygon
  • 2nd point of the polygon




Texts contain the following data after the four general indications:

  • Insert point
  • Text height
  • Angle (in x-y plane) (in degrees);
  • Scale factor in text direction
  • Horizontal alignment, with
  • 0 = left
  • 1 = middle
  • 2 = right
  • Textcontent

In the above symbol definition the data of the 1st symbol element creates


the following element:

B → arc,

222 → Colour 222,

0 → no filling of the sheet,

0 → Line type solid,

0.0/0.0 → Centre (0.0),

0.2 → Radius 0.2,

0.0 → Starting angle 0°,

0.0 → End angle 0°, i.e. arc is a circle.

The data of the 3rd symbol element, i.e.


create the following element:

P → Polygon,

222 → Colour 222,

0 → No filling,

0 → Line type solid,

2 → Polyline consists of two points (i.e. this is one line),

-0.2/0.0 → 1st point (starting point of the route),

-0.33/0.0 → 2nd point (end point of the route).