The input of sprinkler systems, the start of the calculation and the display of the results are done in AutoCAD or BricsCAD. 

Currently, SpriCADĀ® is available for AutoCAD 2018 to 2025 and BricsCAD 2018 to 2024 in the 64-bit version. 

SpriCADĀ® requires the operating system supported by the respective CAD system. The CAD system will be extended with its own command set. 

These "sprinkler commands" are described and handled in the following chapters. 

Specific aspects of AutoCAD (BricsCAD) are only described if it's absolutely necessary.It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the CAD system.

This manual uses the following conventions:

- Specify length or [Distance] in italics printed words correspond to prompts or option titles, that appear in the dialog area of the CAD system.

- <CTRL> + <C> Words or letters in square brackets correspond to keys to be pressed. If several keys are connected by +, the designated keys must be pressed simultaneously.