The input of project data, as well as the data of sprinklers and pipes, are entered by dialog boxes and the properties of the CAD system.

The dialog boxes can be controlled by keyboard and mouse. The following shows control by keyboard:

Forward movement from field to field:                 <TAB>

Move backwards from field to field:                 <SHIFT> + <TAB>

Transfer of the values of the dialog box:         <RET>

Cancel the dialog box:                                 <ESC>

In addition, each dialog box contains

  • an OK button, which serves to confirm and accept the data of the dialog box;
  • a Cancel button, to cancel the dialog box; entered data are not saved
  • if necessary, a Continue... button for further additional dialog boxes
  • if necessary, a Back... button to jump back between 2 dialog windows
  • a status line at the bottom shows error messages if incorrect entries are made.